Quality because you have committed to using more fountain pens, and therefore this one should be one that can last in your possession for many years to come.Regardless of what your first fountain pen was, your second should be one of quality and pride.You don’t necessarily want to spend a significant amount of money on your first pen, but I think you should definitely invest in your second. In other words, you have purchased something that you actively want to seek out more of. Unless you were gifted a fountain pen or inherited one from your family, most people’s first is exploratory and is likely something that is fairly affordable yet practical. I think there’s much thought to be put into the second fountain pen. However, by the time you decide that you want another fountain pen, you’re more likely to be certain that, yes, fountain pens are indeed great instruments of writing. Why second? Because when you buy your first fountain pen, you really don’t know whether you will enjoy using a fountain pen or not yet. There’s a lot online about choosing your first fountain pen, but not much about choosing your second.