While the results have been extensively tested for accuracy, keep in mind the variance in a Deck's damage can be high at times based on the RNG of that set of simulations. tt2 raid optimizer is your go-to resource for finding the most optimal decks to use in the raid system introduced in the 3.0 release of tap titans 2. Contoh format Clan Intro : Clan Bala Bala open 5 slot untuk aktif player dengan MS 1000+ Min. Untuk Clan yg sedang mencari fresh recruitment silahkan post disini. This app runs full simulations of each attack, applying each Card's unique behavior every tap based on %chance and removing health from each Titan part, based on the real game's mechanics for the most accurate results. Dikarenakan masih sedikitnya tempat promote clan dan informasi seputar Tap Titans 2, dengan ini ane buat thread lanjutan dari thread Tap Titans 2 sebelumnya yg diprakarsai oleh agan putradn. Maximize your clan contribution by picking your attacks from these results. Save your Player Raid Level, available Cards, and Levels and run simulations across every possible Deck combination to output lists of the maximum damage Decks for the specified remaining Titan health. RAID MANAGER is where the real magic happens and where you'll likely spend the most amount of time. You can even choose to run the sim across ALL pre-coded strategies to output the best one. OPEN SIM allows you to manually choose any Player Raid Level, Deck combination, Card levels, Titan health, and Strategy to run a massive amount of simulations for an accurate rundown of the expected damage. TT2 Raid Optimizer is your go-to resource for finding the most optimal decks to use in the Raid system introduced in the 3.0 release of Tap Titans 2.