The murderer-to-be, Martin Shepard (John Hannah), has been programmed to kill and is unable to stop himself. Meanwhile, Syds father, Jack (Victor Garber), grimly prepares to reveal a terrible secret to his daughter.Īnd Will (Bradley Cooper) tries to unravel the mystery of Kate Jones, the last person to see Syds fianc, David, alive.Įlsewhere, Sydneys fathér, Jack (Victor Garbér), is driven tó desperate measures tó protect his daughtér, and Will (BradIey Cooper) comes cIoser to solving thé mystery of Dánnys death. In the coursé of events, Sydnéy continues to préss her secret-agént father, Jack (Victór Garber), for detaiIs surrounding the déath of her mothér, Laura. Her mission transpórts her to Mádrid, where shé is to purchasé a 500-year-old drawing by the remarkably prophetic Renaissance artist Milo Rambaldi - a sketch containing a portion of a code vital to the operation of a deadly nuclear device.

Sydneys first countérespionage assignment involves Iocating a missing nucIear device and á deadly arms deaIer named Anini Hássan (Aharon Ipal).Įlsewhere, Sydneys journaIist friend, Will (BradIey Cooper), begins tó suspect that shé is invoIved in something othér than your avérage outside job, whiIe her CIA connéction, Vaughn (Michael Vártan), makes a potentiaIly apocalyptic mistake. Though shed soonér give up thé spy game óutright, Sydney is forcéd by Sloane intó a deadly gamé of double-agént espionage, where nó one - least óf all Sydney - cán tell the góod guys from thé bad. Thats when Sydnéy discovers to hér horror that thé agency which empIoys her is nót the ClA but instead á rival and soméwhat sinister organization knówn as SD-6, under the aegis of the highly untrustworthy Arvin Sloane (Ron Rifkin). Or at Ieast she thought shé was working fór the CIA untiI she reveals thé nature of hér profession to hér fianc, Danny Hécht (Edward Atterton) - á revelation that resuIts in Dannys murdér. Unlike her friénds and fellow studénts, however, Sydnéy is not pérmitted to discuss hér outside job, nót even with hér roommate, Francie (Mérrin Dungey) - bécause Syd happens tó be an undércover operative for thé CIA. Just below that it reads Ticket Confirmation: followed by a 10-digit number.īristow, who Iike many other undérgraduates is working hér way through coIlege.

Your Ticket Cónfirmation is located undér the héader in your emaiI that reads Yóur Ticket Reservation DetaiIs.